Getting Started

Initial Setup

Create a folder called n00dBuffsExample

Create a child of BPC_N00dBuffs and move it into n00dBuffsExample

Rename this child component to BPC_Buffs


Open BP_ThirdPersonCharacter and add BPC_Buffs to the components window

This can be added to any actor, and is not limited to the character.

You can change the polling interval here with the buffs component selected, in the Class Defaults.

You might want to change this if the actor doesn't need to poll too often for changes. This takes place on another thread and is not on tick.

In the Class Settings, implement BPI_N00dBuffs interface

Implement the ApplyBuffStatModifier event from the interface. This will communicate with your own stats system or you can check out n00dTraits for an attribute & stats system to manage this.

Also a helper function to grab your current stat value for use in the modifiers


Drag BP_N00dBuffsPickup into the ThirdPersonMap

With it selected, fill out the Class Defaults with our buff data

The buff has applied! Note in the top left we have applied 0.5 stamina to the character (the interface event that we implemented eariler).